甘いものは好きですか? と聞かれたらYes!と答えますが、昔急性膵炎になったのをきっかけに(?)一度に糖分を取り過ぎると気持ち悪くなるようになるのでほどほどにしています。 生理前などは何故か甘いものが食べたくなるので、美味しいケーキを一個買って来て挽きたての豆で入れるコーヒーでのんびり食べるのが好きです。 そしてどうやったら作れるだろう・・・と作る方に興味が走る。
Patisserie Lila ではMille Feuille (いちごのミルフィーユ)とアールグレーの紅茶を注文。 ミルフィーユなんて何年ぶり!!って感動していたのですが、その感動もつかの間・・・・・ フォークを入れた瞬間、か・か・固い!!
ミルフィーユといっても2層のイチゴ&クリームからなっており、それを挟んでいるパイ生地が固くてボソボソと味がない。 本来パイ生地のパリパリ感とかバターの香りとか全くないんです。 固く甘くないウェハースを食べてるみたい。 クリームも固い生クリームーどちらかと言うとバタークリームに近くて、美味しいカスタードクリームではありません。これに4ポンドも払ってしまったと後悔。。。
Borough market にあり、なかなかいい感じのお店なのですがお薦めしません! ☆はなし!
“Patisserie Lila” place is a good example for how a seriously bad place can still make good business: Because the “Patisserie Lila” is conveniently located near the bustling, fashionable Borough Market, passer-bys will always be lured in – just like it happened to us. Once inside, however, we experienced a service that could hardly have been worse: As we were “only two people”, the sour-faced waitress asked us to join people at another table – which surprised us but it did not put us off. When we had a look at the menu, we were a bit shocked by the rather unreasonably high prices – but we ordered a coffee and chocolate cookies anyway; only to be told by a truly pissed-off waitress that we had to order more to stay which we found very odd indeed. When we pointed out that we were not too hungry really, we were told to leave. Quite an experience! Don’t go – this place is the worst rip-off I have experienced since I came to London in 2004.
ReplyDeleteHi TheLinguist,
ReplyDeletethanks for your comments - I totally agree with you. It is really shame such a bad cafe is still making good business. It would be nice we have more cafes around Borough market area - Monmouth coffee is great but don't want to make a long queue.